Dc comics lightsmith
Dc comics lightsmith

dc comics lightsmith

Last criticism is the Fact that the Hope class gets 3 healing spells while the rest of the subclasses only get 2. The entire trait is fine except for the "You gain resistance to all damage" That's just nutty and yes i Know it's a 17th level ability but i would just say that instead of all you have to pick 3 damage types to be resistant too. I would change it and make it something you have to declare as a bonus action on your turn and then as a free action whenever someone within 5 feet is attacked you can reduce the damage by 1D6 plus your charisma mod. all for almost no action economy whatsoever. and all you need is a shield and to be next to someone which at the start of a fight you almost always are. if you have a plus 3 in Charisma you can possibly lower the damage by 13 effectively rendering the attack useless. A Hellhound for example can do 14 damage with it's bite on a hit. At third level you should be facing CR3 creatures or stuff around there. I would suggest just giving the plus one to the hard light weapons and only giving advantage strength or dex checks not both. On top of all that you can spend 1 point to gain advantage on strength and dex checks for a minute. the warlock can't do this very well and the main spell and selling point for the class is eldrich blast which is just straight up better with this then with a warlock. along with that you get a martial fighter type class that can be in the frontline dealing damage or in the back casting spells. It gives buffs to eldrich blast which is one of the main gimicks to the Warlock. Next is the Willpowered light ability it essentially just completely renders the warlock class useless. Precision attacks fall into the same problem with it giving you up to a plus 3 which is about as good as the best magic weapons give you. I would suggest making it like sort of a concentration thing and still cost light points but it would also give you a plus one to hit. and some magic items that are considered really good only give you a plus 1 to damage rolls and yes i know they also give you a plus one to hit but overall i think that it is just too good to have at 2nd level. that is nutty as force damage is one of the hardest damage types to counter.

dc comics lightsmith

assuming you play the class right and have something like a plus 3 in Charisma that's is a plus 1 force damage to all damage rolls. Next there is the fact that agonizing light is just too good. i suggest changing it to: As a free action you can expend 1 light point to ignore the ammunition property of one weapon you are currently holding until you dismiss the weapon. The whole reason behind that property is to balance weapons that would be too good without limited uses. also the fact that you don't use ammunition for weapons with that property is insane. You just need to specify that you can only summon martial and simple weapons. Also I know this was not how it was intended but currently the way it is written you can summon magic weapons at first level.

dc comics lightsmith

it's just a little too good in my opinion. I can just see a first level party encountering the big bad and after a couple lucky rolls with no resistance a 1 shot of the big bad. maybe add it as a ability later on but summoning a weapon as a bonus action is already really good and it really doesn't need to have that at first level. I really like this class but I do have a few criticism's.įirstly I think you need to remove the clause that all of your hard light attacks count as magic damage.

Dc comics lightsmith